Clean Clothes Campaign

In Bangladesh, on the 24th of April 2013, Rana Plaza, an eight-floor building in which there were 5 textile factories that supplied various international brands, collapsed, killing more than 1100 workers and injuring another 2000. GuardAvanti, partner of the Clean Clothes campaign, supports a petition to make international brands indemnify the victims and put in…


[ITALIA] Campagna Abiti Puliti

Guardavanti sostiene la campagna Abiti Puliti, per il miglioramento delle condizioni di lavoro e il rafforzamento dei lavoratori nell’industria tessile globale


Le Donne Maasai

[TANZANIA] Maasai Women Art

Guardavanti ha collaborato nella distribuzione e diffusione in Italia dei gioielli creati dalle donne Maasai, che offrono un giusto guadagno e condizioni di lavoro dignitose.


Un sorriso per Daniel

Juan Daniel is a Bolivian child who had a kidney transplant from his mother Shirley when he was just 8 years old. The transplant was accompanied by high medicine costs (4.000€ per year, a large value for Bolivia) to avoid the rejection of the kidney which the government would not cover. Guardavanti helped the Sisters…
