
The project MigrAzioni (Migraction) is structured as a journey which narrates what the migrants have gone through to arrive to Europe, finding other that what they expected. This project looks at the theme of migration from a new point of view, destroying stereotypes and prejudices by creating a common ground where students and teachers can…


Elementary School of Bibwa-Wuma

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo The elementary school in the village of Wuma, managed by the parish of Bibwa, was build with wood and clay with a ceiling in sheet metal. These materials aren’t safe enough, but until now they’ve been the only space where it was possible to offer school activities in a covered…


[ITALIA] Come l’Okapi

Progetto di educazione alla cittadinanza globale Un progetto proposto da ong di cooperazione internazionale, enti pubblici, enti del terzo settore, associazioni di migranti. Il capofila è Celim Milano. Ne sono partner, insieme a Guardavanti, su tutto il territorio lombardo: Aspem, Cast, Cbm, Coe, Deafal, Il Sole, Mani Tese, Mlfm, Mmi, Pro.Sa, Scaip, Svi, Acea, Altropallone,…


The Children of Tali

Country: South Sudan. In 2009, the Comboni missionaries in South Sudan developed an informal school in Tali “below the plants” which eventually was then built with cement and was officially inaugurated with the name Comboni Primary School. In 2011, the school took another step forward when they assigned 7 young teachers. In the beginning, the…


Maasai Women Art

Tanzania’s Maasai Women Art is a cooperative enterprise aimed at producing and selling high quality homemade art products. The NGO Institute of Oikos and Oikos East Africa supported this enterprise by promoting development projects for the Maasai Women and offering them with training and enabling them to generate income. The pieces of jewelry Maasai Women…


Female Dorm Kaande Basic School

Many children attend the Kaande Basic School in the district of Mongul, Zambia and had to travel many kilometers daily to attend school. Thus, building a dorm close to the school enable us to solve this problem. The project was created together with the Comboni Missionary Sisters and the local community which was involved in…
