The project MigrAzioni (Migraction) is structured as a journey which narrates what the migrants have gone through to arrive to Europe, finding other that what they expected. This project looks at the theme of migration from a new point of view, destroying stereotypes and prejudices by creating a common ground where students and teachers can meet and learn through many different volunteering activities.

The interaction between volunteers, organizations, schools, migrants and Italian is one of the main aspects of the project, thus promoting interculturalism and communication among everyone as fundamental values.

Who we work with

Accompanying us along this wonderful adventure we work with the association L’Aquilone, the foundation “Casa della Carità”, the Milanese centre of voluntary service and the NGO Mani Tese Onlus.

The collaboration with Liceo Volta started in 2015 and in 2016 it led to the achievement of the prize for the “Expertises’ Volunteering”.

The prize was assigned to Guardavanti and to the Liceo Volta at the “Light Up! Giovani Volontari” event which was promoted by the city of Milan to sostain young volunteering and to honor the most innovative projects.

The reason for the win was:

To talk about volunteering as a form of sharing implies that it is also conceived as sharing and valueing of anyone’s skills. Our idea of volunteering was appreciated as it builds, grows and highlights our collaboration with the students and their skills.