Global Citizenship Education

The global citizenship education activities are focused on children and teenagers of every school grade, which we view as citizens of the future. Change arrives everyday from choices we make as citizens, consumers, savers. Every man or woman can contribute positively independently of his or her age, gender or social status. Our ambition is to…


Female Dorm Kaande Basic School

Many children attend the Kaande Basic School in the district of Mongul, Zambia and had to travel many kilometers daily to attend school. Thus, building a dorm close to the school enable us to solve this problem. The project was created together with the Comboni Missionary Sisters and the local community which was involved in…


Elementary School of Bibwa-Wuma

Country: Democratic Republic of Congo The elementary school in the village of Wuma, managed by the parish of Bibwa, was build with wood and clay with a ceiling in sheet metal. These materials aren’t safe enough, but until now they’ve been the only space where it was possible to offer school activities in a covered…


Dual Training (Work-School)

During the school year of 2016/2017, we partnered with three schools in dual training (school-work) providing students with job experience, receive training on-site and education in school.  Teaching the aspects of selection processes in the job market, so that students are ready when entering the adult world. Some examples on the activities are based on…


Clean Clothes Campaign

In Bangladesh, on the 24th of April 2013, Rana Plaza, an eight-floor building in which there were 5 textile factories that supplied various international brands, collapsed, killing more than 1100 workers and injuring another 2000. GuardAvanti, partner of the Clean Clothes campaign, supports a petition to make international brands indemnify the victims and put in…
